
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

The reality of my trip is officially starting to hit me.  I cannot believe that I leave in less than two weeks.  I cannot even begin to express how excited I am.  It has been so awesome to see how God has allowed this trip to happen for me.  I didn’t even apply until the middle of June, and in this short amount of time He has made everything come along so smoothly.  In the past two months, this trip has been such an awesome tool to minister to other people.  Many non-christians do not understand why I would take nine months out of my life to travel to the other side of the world to minister to people.  I have been able to share with friends, co-workers, and family the desires the Holy Spirit has placed in my heart to minister to others in Africa.  I too have been ministered through this though.  I never imagined how much people would gather around me to support me.  People I do not even know have been telling me that they are going to be praying for me, and that is so encouraging.  I just have to remember that my life is my testimony to others around me.  Man looks on the outward appearance, because that is all that he can see, but our actions show our heart.  Our outward lives should bring credit to our Master’s name.   My prayer for myself and my team in Africa is the same as Paul’s prayer for the Colossians.  And that is,

” so that you will walk in a manner worthy of the LORD, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.”