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Change of Plans

I am so thankful that I serve a God that knows the desires of my heart and has a plan for me.  There are about sixty First Year Missionaries that I have been staying with in South Africa.  At the end of this month, the group will be splitting up into four different groups.  The groups will be going to Swaziland, Kenya, Johannesburg, or Jeffrey’s Bay.  Whichever group you chose, that is the place that you will minister after Christmas.  The group for J. Bay was already chosen before training camp, so it was never an option for me to be a part of.  Before last week, I was thinking I would either like to go to Kenya or Swaziland, but after visiting Swaziland, I knew that it was not the place that I would like to do ministry after Christmas.  I was not sure where the Lord was calling me, because I was not excited for one place over the other.  The group going to J. Bay is leaving in the morning, so a few days ago all of the leaders were praying about the team.  They felt that the team could possibly use another member.  My name ended up coming up, as someone they felt would do well on the team, so they ended up asking me if I was interested.  I prayed about it, and got so excited.  I really wanted to join the team, but I asked the Lord to give me a peace about my decision if it is what He wanted.  I officially became a member of the J. Bay team Wednesday night.  I am beyond excited to see how the Lord will use me there.  My new team has welcomed me with open arms and have made my transition so easy.  I am so thankful that God has everything planned out, and will lead us where He wants.  Our team is leaving tomorrow morning, so that we can jump into ministry in J. Bay.  Please pray for safety while traveling, because it is about a twelve hour drive.  Thank you for your prayers.  


  1. wow that is soo cool, that you were asked to go on this team. They must feel very strongly that you are a good fit for this team. I will be praying for you as you are now apart of this team. God will use you so mightly.
    Love, Nass

  2. Go Katie,

    God is guiding and you’re following. We’ll be praying. We are so excited for you. I know Swaziland was hard but God enables even when we think we can’t. We are so proud of you and your huge committment to our Lord and His will.

    Blessings always,

  3. Dearest Katie,
    Our prayers are with you, as you travel that 12 hour trip to Jeffery’s Bay.
    God be with you and keep you safe.
    God is working in so many beautiful ways,
    because of your trip to Africa.
    We our so proud of you.
    In His Love and Ours,
    Aunt Barbara@ Uncle George

  4. I am so happy that God has led you to the specific group you are going to be apart of! I pray for you daily and i promise that i will send you a letter soon. Things have been crazy here! I can’t wait to hear from you!
    love, dan

  5. Katie, I just talked with your mom, we have known each other a LONG time (we went to college together & worked at LCH for almost 20 years) anyway, I have been praying for you since I heard about your trip and just wanted to let you know! God’s great blessings on you and your team!

  6. Welcome to the JBay team. I am excited for you. I hope that you fall in love with the place as much as I did(I was FYM there last year). It sounds like the LORD has a spot for you on that team. How exciting. Best of blessings while working in the clinic. I will be praying for you.

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