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Thoughts & Inspiration

Graduation Day

For the past four weeks I, along with two other teammates, have been participating in an HIV/ AIDS counseling course.  Each day patients come into the clinic for HIV tests and we have been learning how to interact with them and pre-counsel them.  Before one can be tested for HIV, he/she must first sign a document saying they have been pre-counseled and understand what they are taking part in.  The main things that we talk to them about are: Confidentiality- We need to reassure that the results of the test are completely confidential and no one will know except the patient and the person administering the test.  HIV/AIDS- Many times the patients do not understand what the virus and syndrome are so we have to explain what exactly is taking place in the body when the virus attacks.  Transmission- Patients, many times are unaware how they became affected with the virus, so we have to explain the different means of transmission.  The main three ways people are affected by HIV are through bodily fluids, needles, and from mother to child.  Prevention- It is important for us to talk to the patients about ways to prevent transmission.  In this part of the conversation we talk to the patients about the ABC’s of prevention, which are abstinence, be faithful to one partner, and condomize.  Although it can be awkward explaining the importance of condoms to the patients, it is important that they take some sort of precautions to protect himself or herself from the virus.  Lifestyle Change- The next part is a very important section where we explain to the patients the importance of a lifestyle change whether the test results are positive or negative.  It is in this section that we talk about nutrition, healthy living, follow-up visits, and treatments if the test returns positive.  The last thing that we talk about is how the test will work and the amount of time it will take.  After explaining these main points, we then ask the patient if they have any questions.
  This is just an outline of the conversation that takes place, but hopefully it gives you some understanding of what I have learned the past few weeks.  I have only gotten to take part in one counseling session, but I am excited to be a part of many more.  It has been so exciting for me to be able to see how God is using Hilliary, Aaryn and myself at the clinic.  The doors that the Lord has opened for us to minister to people are amazing and I am so excited to see how He will use me next.  
Although we have been taught what to say, it is still very difficult, and at times awkward, for us to lead these sessions, so I just ask that you pray for boldness on my part and that the patients would understand us.