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Ministry Internship: Week 1

     Monday started my first official week of my ministry internship.  After praying about where the Lord wanted me to work, I decided that I would spend the majority of my time at the Pellsrus Clinic.  I will be working alongside another girl on my team cleaning, answering phones, running for the nurses and talking with the patients who are waiting.  The clinic opens at eight in the morning and some patients can come and wait all day without being able to see the doctor, so we have a great opportunity to talk to them and minister to them.  On thursday mornings we will be counselling the young girls who are pregnant and HIV positive.  We are still learning and getting adjusted, but I am so excited. 

     Yesterday was supposed to be our first day in learning how to counsel the young girls, but the head nurse was sick, so we did family ministry instead.  Family ministry is something that our team as a group decides to do for the town or a family.  We decided to help clean and paint a family’s home in the township.  One of the locals was telling us that black people never allow white people to clean and do housework for them because for so long white people were always in control and they grew accustomed to serving them.  It was so wonderful serving this family and allowing them to see that our skin color does not mean anything, and we are all servants for Christ. 

     On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon, myself and Hillary cleaned at the clinic.  We are still learning and getting adjusted to the workings of the clinic, so this week we just cleaned and talked with patients.  At first, I was frustrated that we were stuck cleaning the entire time, but once the lady that cleans came in, Sister Primrose, my attitude changed.  She was so thankful that we were willing to help her because she has to clean everything by herself!  It was great being able to minister to her and see how touched she was.  She has a funeral to go to next week, so she was thrilled that we would be able to clean everything while she is out of town.  

     Tonight I will be going to youth group at a local church called Deo Doxa.  I have enjoyed building relationships with fellow young people who are christians.  I am amazed and in awe of God everytime we as a group are able to worship with fellow believers in Christ here in South Africa.  God is so real and big and it is awesome to see that He is the same God that we praise at home in the states. 

     I have a couple of prayer requests this week.  First, I ask that you pray for my team as we continue to get involved in our ministries here.  Pray that we allow God to use us how He wants, and that our attitudes would be uplifting and glorifying to Him.  I also ask that you pray for the physical health of our team.  Over half of the team is currently sick and many are unable to go out to their ministries.  Living in such close quarters makes in easy to spread germs, so please pray for renewed strength for us all.  Thank you all so much.