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Thoughts & Inspiration

Leadership Conference

This week we have had the awesome opportunity to attend a Leadership Conference that AIM has set up for us.  The rest of the Africa team came down to Jeffrey’s Bay, so it has been great catching up with my old teammates.  The conference was broken up into two different classes that you could chose to attend: leadership or discipleship.  I decided to attend the leadership classes, and I am learning so much from them.  Our speaker, Ben, has been teaching about what it is like to be a missional leader and a courageous leader.  Being here in Jeffrey’s Bay, it is important that I am remember that God is already here at work and I have to be willing to jump into my ministries and get dirty.  Another part about being a missional leader is that we have to live first, speak second.  We are able to show others so much more of our hearts by our actions, then with words.  I also need to be a courageous leader.  I need to be willing to step out and call others to follow me in ministry. 

Today we had time to reflect on what God has been teaching us.  As I sat alone praying to God to reveal His plan for me, I was taken to Matthew 6.  All God told me was “seek first my Kingdom”.  I felt like a burden was lifted off of me.  Isn’t it so true that we get so worried about our daily routines and ministries that we forget what our focus really should be?  I don’t need to worry about tomorrow, I need to rest in God’s faithfulness and seek after Him.  It was amazing after I left the session and went to ministry today, because I felt so free.  I had probably the best day I have ever had at the clinic.  Hilliary, Aaryn and I were able to talk with patients, hold their children, pray for people who were sick and just seek after His Kingdom.